Tuesday, May 27, 2008


At the starting of this blog a week ago i was at 309 pounds in shorts. Now I'm down to 303.4. That's with almost no exercising done because of how hectic the past week has been. I know not to expect this kind of weight loss, as it would not be healthy, but it sure is nice to jump start me. I haven't been starving myself. Rather, like I said, if I want to snack in between meals I make sure it's fruit or veggies and not junk. I also managed to make it through the temptation of all the excellent food at my sister's graduation party without gorging on it. It looks as if I'm off to a good start here.

This morning, i got up and went for a ride at 6:30 AM. I forgot how wonderful the early mornings can be. 6 miles later, it's now 8:30 and I'm raring to go. I used to be rolling over and turning off the alarm at about this time only to go back to sleep for another couple of hours. I took a stop at a sculpture park and walked around that taking pictures of all the sculptures. That was the midway point of the ride. On the way back, I rode the last 2 miles into a nice 20 mph headwind. I forgot how much headwinds suck. Nothing like feeling you're pedaling uphill for 2 straight miles.

All in all, I'm very pleased with the changes I've made over the past week. I'm not planning on making too many more changes this week. I'm just going to stick with what I've been doing. Slowly over the next few weeks though, I hope to start carving out the snacking that I do in between meals. Following that, I will try to develop an eating plan consisting of more smaller meals throughout the day.

Until next time, Peace.


Road Warrior said...

Keep it up, Josh. Once you get into a regular cycling routine, changes happen quickly. It may not be the same for everyone. After a month of 5 day a week 30 mile round trips, I didn't notice a thing, and I grew despondent. I kept it up. Then, overnight it seemed, my body 'felt' different. The riding became easier, I felt more confident on the road and in the office. My eating regulated. I could no longer eat an entire box of Mac n' Cheese. My portions became smaller and the body got used to a set level (lower level) of calories, and burned them more efficiently.

You will know the change when it happens, just keep it going :-)

TIME TO START... said...

Wow indeed.
Good start, you are headed in the right direction.
Found your blog through bikeforums.net. They are a really supportive bunch on the clydesdale/athena forum. They helped me make a start too. I'm a 50year old dumpy housewife. If I can start cycling, anyone can. Keep blogging too, helps keep you accountable, as well as motivating others.