Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Welcome to the journey...

"To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping" - Chinese Proverb

The above statement is so true. Yet, so often in life, we fail to to take a journey because we fear it will be too difficult or time consuming. Often these journeys could lead to great satisfaction for ourselves and others, but we pass them up
because we've conceded defeat in our minds before we begin. For me, I'm tired of conceding defeat. It's time for me to journey down the path I've been avoiding. Through this blog, I hope to gain inspiration from others who have been in this situation and also inspire others in my shoes, looking for proof that it can be done.

A bit about myself

My name is Josh and I am a 23 year old recent graduate of the University of Illinois. I studied accounting there for 5 years and am currently working on passing the final portion of the CPA exam at the end of May. This summer I will be traveling to the east coast to visit baseball stadiums, to Switzerland and then the big
gest journey of all. I will pack up my life and move it 2,000 miles across the country to Seattle, WA. I hope that this major change will help to kick start the other changes I am looking to make in my life currently. The biggest of these changes is to lead a healthier lifestyle and become one of the success stories rather than the guy who "wishes he could do that". Currently I am at 309 pounds and 5'9" tall. I'm getting to the point where I can feel the unhealthiness beginning to take its toll. I don't sleep well at night, I tire easily during slightly strenuous activities and I have no desire to go do anything at times. This is where it stops though and turns around. It is never over, so this journey I reference will be one for life, and I can only continue to strive to be better than the day before and realize setbacks will happen. When they do, I must look at it, understand why it happened and then use that to not let it happen again. At the end of this posts, you can see my pictures as of today. I cannot say I am proud, but at the end, I will have every reason to be proud.

As I continue on my journey, pleas feel free to leave suggestions, comments, encouragement, etc. as you see fit. Also, if you know me personally, please call me out if you see ways i can improve or times when I regress.

I look forward to the journey and all that it brings with it.

Peace and best wishes.


May 21, 2008 - 309 lbs.


Road Warrior said...

Josh, good start sir. I found you on Bike Forums and will be following your progress. I was once 240 and got down to 190. Back at 205 and working my way back down again. I applaud and support your efforts!

Dave P. said...

Another big guy who will be following your progress.
